December Will be Ma-ha-ha-gic again…to quote the great, and frequently loopy Kate Bush. Time to set aside our petty grievances and direct our slightly distracted synapses to things of a more spiritual nature, like fistfulls of shortbread and repeated viewings of Mr Bean getting a turkey stuck on his head.
To that end, here are few festively coloured sprinkles from the internet this week~
Yup, I’ve linked Winter Blast! from Curious Pages before, but it’s worth a second (third, fourth, fifth…) look.
The Guardian has a great series called Season’s Readings, where Guardian books writers pick their favourite Christmas reads. Here are a few: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (posted by John Lucas.) God Bless us, everyone (except Julian Assange.) Babar and Father Christmas by Jean de Brunhoff (posted by Richard Lea.) Never really been into this affable pachyderm, but I may reconsider. And Father Christmas by Raymond Briggs (posted by Sam Jordison.) I’m a Snowman person myself, but I love anything Briggsian.
Courtesy of the Oddee blog, the 12 Ugliest Book Covers from the cover of Zombie Raccoons and Killer Bunnies to Cooking with Pooh. Hmm…what about back covers? Ever seen the author photo for The Giving Tree? Sorry Shel, I’m sure you’re a nice guy but…
From Zoe Toft’s Play By the Book twitter site: Eric by Shaun Tan the only kids book to feature in Guardian’s Books of the Year? Well, at least it was mentioned, and by none other than the great Anthony Browne.
My new favourite artist~Argentinian illustrator Poly Bernatene. His blog is in Spanish, but who needs words? His book The Santa Trap was reviewed in my last post, To Catch a Kringle, but expect to see more ‘appreciations’ of his luminous work in future posts.
A fab Interview with Portland Author, Artist, and Caldecott winner Allen Say
Next Post: Something tiny and royal (no, it’s not the Queen Mother.)